Hardline Custom Shipping Policy
To order with a credit card please use our shopping cart with online ordering. We can accept money orders, personal or company checks with mail-in orders. Just print the order page with the shipping amount listed and mail in with your payment.
All payments should be made payable to Hardline Custom.
If you are sending a drivers license; FFL or any other information to complete your order, please e-mail your info to adam@hardline-custom.com with any questions about dealer orders or technical questions. Email accounts have spam filters that can sometimes block emails. If you send an email or leave a voicemail, we will get back to you ASAP. Please understand that the volume of emails that we receive is very high, it may take a day or so to get a response. If you mail in a payment, please use some type of tracking for your payment.
Lost or stolen payments are not the responsibility of Hardline Custom.
We have no way of tracking payments sent to us. Please use delivery confirmation or registered mail for your payment.
Do not send cash through the mail. For your protection and ours, we do not accept cash payments through the mail.
Actual shipping cost applies to the continental 48 states only. Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Guan, Apo &
Other shipping methods are available upon request; however, should you select uninsured shipping we will not be held responsible for the loss or damage